Here is my progress so far on page 2 of Twilight. I am going to try to have it finished today. Gonna chill out and watch Disturbed video's on YouTube today while I stitch :)

O.k. so these have to be the cutest things that I have seen in quite awhile!! They could have so many uses and hold all sorts of tiny gifts,just 2 fat quaters makes 4 of them.And to find the pattern please go here:
I am off to go stitch a couple of these up !!
Wow, finally a finish :) It's a ornie that will be mailed off to Wendy in Australia to give to one of the children at her school. It is really not as big as it looks in the photo, only about 3 1/2 x 4 1/2. It was a quick stitch and so much fun to do. The pattern was a freebie that i found on the internet but can't remember the web address for it.

Sorry that took so long. The bobbin case to my machine broke and I had to wait on the Fabric Garden to get another in for me. I had a blast making this little doll quilt to share :)
Anyways to enter leave a comment here and you get 1 entry. Post on your blog and you get another. Become a follower and you get yet another for 3 chances to win. Entry's will be open until Saturday October 30th. On October 31st I will pick the winner . Good Luck Everyone !!!
With the weather getting colder I was thinking of Spring today. I figured that now would be a wonderful time for a giveaway. Here is a little sneak peak :) I will put the information for the giveaway up in a day or two so keep watch and have a wonderful day.
Well I am finally back, 70 $ poorer but none the less it is good to have my computer back. I just realized that I never showed what the finished Twilight will look like.
This is as far as I have gotten since my last post. Not very far but life has been really busy. I hope to have page 2 finished by the middle of next week.
Feels really good to have pg 1 finished, now on to page 2 and the top of Edwards head :)
Well I have page 1 of Twilight finished, almost 3 skeins of 939 in this page alone !! I need to go to Fabric Garden Monday and pick up 4 more skeins of the 939. I hope to be able to get over to my friends house tonight to use his camera so I can snap a photo. Off to go do some non 939 stitching on page 2. Only 8 more pages to go till this is finished :)