From each of your dark fabric's you will need to cut:
(1) strip 1x8
(2)squares 1 7/8

From your light fabric you will need to cut :
(9) strips 1x8
(18) squares 1 7/8
(4) squares 3 1/2
(2) squares5 1/2 ** cut these in half twice to have 8 quarter square triangles
(9) squares 1 1/2
(2) squares 3 inches ** cut these once on the diagonal

Now take one dark strip and 1 light strip and sew them together. When pressing these strips be very careful as it is easy to make them go wonky :)

Now subcut your strip sets into 4 slices 1 1/2 x 1 1/2

Now take your 1 7/8 light squares and draw a line on the diagonal and 2 lines on either side a 1/4, the middle line will be your cutting line and the other two your sewing lines.

It should look like this after being sewed.

Cut apart

Press open again being very, very careful as these as super easy to distort.

Lay out your pieces to look like this and sew together

Trim your block down to 3 1/2 inches. Congrats you have now made a Monkey Wrench block and have put 17 pieces of fabric into a 3 inch square :) I will give you a bit of time to sew all 9 blocks together and then I will be back with setting and border directions.
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