y stepdaughter NancyLeigh, seems a bit wierd to have her as my daughter as she is only 7 years younger then me :) I love her right to bits though!!

Her amazing husband Robert, he's such a wonderful husband and father :)

My wonderful man Larry and 3 of our 5 grandbabies, Evan,Jerrin and Madison. I didn't think that i would be called Grammy quite so soon and it freaked me out for a bit but i wouldn't change it for the world!! My kids think that it's kinds neat to have neices and nephews that are close to their age :)

Evan playing with our new puppy Echo. Larry went down to the little store here in Athens and some man was giving her away. Of course Larry couldn't resist and home she came. He's such a softy LOL !!

Thunder our 11 month old mastiff/rotti mix and Memphis the little Rat Terrier.

Another shot of Echo, she's so little and furry. Wish I knew what she was mixed with so I could figure out how big she is gonna grow.
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