Monday, January 31, 2011
A Busy Week - Picture Heavy

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Terra Fairy Progress

I have made a bit of progress on Terra fairy, I am really enjoying working the big blocks of green in her. It is a nice break from working on the confetti in some of my other projects :) I really can't wait to get to her head though. There should be a good deal of progress on her next week as the freebie SAL is on for next week on the HAED board.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A New SAL On 123 Stitch
There is a new SAL starting on the 123 Stitch Message Board and I am quite excited by it. You can pick a HAED or Mystic Stitch project to do. I think that I am joining in with Lissandrea as she is feeling quite neglected as of late. This SAL also might help me to reach my 3 page goal for Lissandrea this year.
So here's the deal/rules...
1) Pick a project. If you're using a project you've already started...take a starting picture.
2) Send me your board name, e-mail address, name of the project, who its designed by, and a before picture or let me know its a new project. I'll put details into a spreadsheet (It won't get shared with anyone) to track the number of updates with stitching you make in the 52 year period.
3) I'll do my BEST to start a post every Sunday (HAED and MS SAL - week xx) for everyone to post an update to. You'll need to post your update within 2 days of the initial post. This way if I get sick or something and I don't end up able to start the post unitl Monday or something, you'll still have 2 days to post your progress.
4) And my favorite part...which will not impact me obviously...In the event that you are uber skilled or just highly motivated...if you finish your HAED or MS piece prior to the 52 weeks being over...you have to start another one. :-) You have to send me the details as in step 2 .
Friday, January 21, 2011
Hi My Name Is .......
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Getting There

Well I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, I am now 2700 stitches into this ! Only 1300 more stitches until I finish page 1 Yeah !! I am now working on the top of the fairy's head, it's pretty much all confetti so it is pretty slow going. I am going to finish out this page and then try to make some headway on Magic Witch. I restarted her this past week on 20ct even-weave but i am really not happy with the fabric so I am going to restart her yet again on 18ct Aida. I have also decided that I will be restarting my Nimue' "La Pipe", I just hate the fabric way to much to finish it so i might as well do a restart on it . At least then I will feel like stitching on it, I want to have it done and framed so that I can have it ready for Larry's Birthday in November.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I want to be bad !!

So I am so tempted to start these 2 storykeep's from HAED ! They are screaming " Just a few stitches then you can put us away". I think that I need to stay away from the HAED site when they are having sale's LOL ! I am way to distracted by pretty charts. I even ordered the fabric for both of them through 123stitch and it arrived in yesterday's mail. I have decided to stitch them on white 22 ct Aida. They won't be to much bigger then on the 25ct and I won't kill my eye's trying to see the holes. I am going to try to hold out a bit on starting them as I already have 3 HAED WIP"s going at the moment but I don't know much longer I can stand their screaming !

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Nimue' " La Pipe"

Well this is the Nimue' UFO that I spoke about a few post's ago. I now remember why it became a UFO. I hate the fabric that I started it on. The fabric is 25ct Dublin Linen. I don't remember where i got the fabric from, I think Ebay. It is really thin and is pretty low quality. I am just gonna go ahead and finish it so I can be done with it. I really want to restitch onto nicer fabric.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Terra Fairy

this is my start on Terra Fairy. The fabric that I ordered from 123 Stitch arrived yesterday so I was able to get my goal of 500 stitches done, I think I put in about 600 stitches. I am trying something a bit different with this one. Instead of working this HAED in my normal fashion which is to do a 10x10 square before moving on to the next I am trying cross country stitching and it seems to be working out quite well. I am pulling this one from the Q-snaps today and have not yet decided what is going to take it's place.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Yet another Ornament Freebie

So while hunting the web for next month's ornament for the 2011 challenge I stumbled across this little cutie! I believe that this will be what I stitch for the February ornament. If you would like a copy of the chart click --------> HERE
Monday, January 10, 2011
SK Flower Fairy's Rest Update

So I feel like I am really starting to make some headway on this. I am now 2,000 stitches in and that puts me about 16 % done. She is coming off the Q-snaps today for a much needed bath, as you can see my hoop left some yucky marks. I am about to order some 8 inch Q-snaps and then I am throwing all of my darn hoops away !! I really want to keep working on this one though, I am really enjoying it :) I think though that I am going to work on Twilight while she is being cleaned and dried, I would really like to get a good start on page 3 as it has a ton of 939 in it.
In other news I officially start school today ! I am taking online courses through UMA and am majoring in Library Science's. I looked at some of the assignments that are posted on my class website and let me tell you I am scared right out of my britches, I don't know what the heck I was thinking !! Both classes are 100 level classes but the amount of assignments seems a bit overwhelming ! Wish me luck !
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
An Exchange
And a Restart
It is really slow going doing the over 1 thing and I don't feel like I have made much progress. It took me well over an hour to do one itty bitty square of 100 stitches! I am going to go read some of the forums on the HAED BB to see if I can figure this whole over 1 thing out. It may just be that I need to practice doing it, I think that I need to set aside 3 or 4 hours every week to work on the Magic Witch. There are other HAED that I would love to start. I have bought 3 in the last week ! However they are much larger then Magic Witch and I'm afraid if I start them before I get the hang of over 1 stitching then they will become UFO's and I already have enough of them LOL !
Oh my, while looking for my seam ripper this morning I came across 2 more UFO's that were tucked to the back of one of my drawer's in my sewing desk. They are both Nimue patterns, one is called "The Pipe" and the other is called " Poussiere de Fee" . I noticed that I was missing some beads and threads to finish them so I ordered those this morning along with the fabric. Both are pretty small designs though neither one has very much done on it, they shouldn't take very long to finish. I told Larry that I was going to quit looking in small dark places as i think UFO go there to hide and breed LOL ! Off to go do some more stitching now, have a great day !
Monday, January 3, 2011
Another Goal Down !!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
1 Goal Reached

Well I just feel like doing a Happy Dance :) I have finished one of my goals for this month, exceeded it even. I was to put 200 stitches into Twilight and managed to put about 700 in 2 days Yeah !! I am pulling it from the Q-snaps today, though if I have time come the end of the month it will go back in for a few days for some work on page 3.
It really looks so much better in person, the colors blend a lot better when you can step back from it. Overall I am really happy with it. I think for the rest of the day I will work on an ornament for the 12 ornament challenge. I have several that I want to stitch , it's going to be hard to choose. Not only do I want to stitch for my tree but I would also like to be able to give some away as gifts. Lets hope that my needle keeps on smoking !! Have a wonderful day.
CQ Update

Well I have to say that this was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was so emotional stitching Nana's name and birth and death dates. I still can't believe that she is gone , things just don't seem right anymore :( I may end up stitching a few buggies on this block before I send it off, I haven't decided yet.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
January Goals
1. Stitch and finish one ornament for the 2011 challenge
2. 500 stitches on Terra Fairy
3. 1000 stitches on Flower Fairy's Rest
4. 200 stitches on Twilight
5. February block on EMS
6. 200 stitches on Lissandrea
7. Crazy Quilt RR
I am keeping my goal list small to start with as I really don't know how much stitching tome I will get in this month as Jan tends to be a bit hectic around here.If time alots and I have extra stitching time after I finish these 7 goals I would like to do more stitching on Flower Fairy's Rest. She is coming along so well and I really would like to see a finish on her by August if at all possible! I will be starting school on the 10th of this month. I have decided that it is high time and have signed up at UMA for a degree in Library Science, I will only be taking 2 courses this semester so I hope that I will find it somewhat easy. Wish me luck!!