Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Goals

Since I seem to have so much going on I thought to list my goals for each month this year might help to keep me on track.

1. Stitch and finish one ornament for the 2011 challenge
2. 500 stitches on Terra Fairy
3. 1000 stitches on Flower Fairy's Rest
4. 200 stitches on Twilight
5. February block on EMS
6. 200 stitches on Lissandrea
7. Crazy Quilt RR

I am keeping my goal list small to start with as I really don't know how much stitching tome I will get in this month as Jan tends to be a bit hectic around here.If time alots and I have extra stitching time after I finish these 7 goals I would like to do more stitching on Flower Fairy's Rest. She is coming along so well and I really would like to see a finish on her by August if at all possible! I will be starting school on the 10th of this month. I have decided that it is high time and have signed up at UMA for a degree in Library Science, I will only be taking 2 courses this semester so I hope that I will find it somewhat easy. Wish me luck!!

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